6 Months
70% Weight (18lbs 3oz) // 95% Length (29 1/4" long) // 50% Head (17 1/4")
Sitting up! Still a tiny wobbly, but pretty good on his own.
Starting to scoot around a little when he sees something he wants.
He's a pro and rolling.
We started a mommy and me class at The Little Gym and he loves it! He's one of the youngest in the class, and one of the biggest.
He loves to jump/bounce. Constantly. Whether he is in his jumper or you're holding him. He never stops moving. My arms get a great workout.
We've added carrots and peas to the mix of food.
HE FINALLY HAS A SLEEPING SCHEDULE. A good sleeping schedule! I honestly never thought the day would come. He takes three 2 hour (give or take) naps a day, and is sleeping 11 hours at night! (He still wakes up once in the night to eat) Annnnnd he puts himself to sleep now! Seriously, it's a miracle! All three of us are much happier.
He giggles so much more now, I love it.
He's loving peek-a-boo.
He cries when Sean leaves for work and then cries if Sean doesn't pick him up right when he comes home.
He doesn't mind the car so much! He cries and wiggles when we go to put him in his car seat, but he usually settles down pretty quick. The way things were going two months ago, I would have never thought we would be driving around while he slept.
He loves paper. Especially receipts.
He thinks that anything I have is his. My phone, my food, my fountain drink cups with straws.
When he's tired, he rubs his face on my face, cutest thing.
He still loves to grab my face and hair. I don't know how I have any hair or skin left.
He's making more and more noises, it's so fun to talk to him. And he started grunting "uh-oh"! My heart can't even handle the cuteness of it. Insanely proud mama moment right there.
Playing video games with Uncle Evan. |
I had my tonsils removed and my boys took great care of me! |
Hyde tried his first popsicle and thought that every time I had one he got one too. |
Thank you, Auntie Jana, for the awesome print! |
He's turned into quite the shopper.
Hyde experienced his first snow fall! |
I told you he never stops jumping.
I like to watch him sleep.