Friday, February 22, 2013

26 Weeks

26 Weeks!

How far along? 26 Weeks
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: English Cucumber
Total weight gain/loss: 21 pounds gained
Maternity clothes: My grandmother bought me a few new maternity shirts and some new Gap maternity leggings. 
Stretch marks: I haven't noticed any new ones this week. Stomach is still stretch mark free :)))))
Sleep: I'm actually sleeping pretty well this week. But I'm still not feeling like I can ever get enough sleep, which I'm sure is a feeling that is here to stay for a long time!
Best moment this week: Feeling baby hiccup! I was so concerned that everyone talks about feeling their baby hiccup and I still hadn't. Well turns out I had been feeling baby's hiccups for a long time now, I just didn't realize that's what it was! Sean pointed it out a few mornings ago. Hiccups are the worst though, poor baby.
Miss anything: I really miss having a normal appetite/any appetite at all.
Movement: This boy is seriously so STRONG! I mean, I don't know how strong other women's babies feel to them, but I don't know how he hasn't squirmed his way out yet. He moves so much! It's really the best feeling (unless he's pushing on my bladder or any other area that causes pain).
Food cravings: Just strawberries and pebble ice still. I don't know how ice can taste so good. My appetite is really struggling, I just don't want to eat anything. Things I am eating: Cream of Wheat, Oatmeal, grapefruit, strawberries (lots of strawberries), string cheese, apples, honey dew, eggs, and milk.
Anything making you queasy or sick? This week I was having really bad stomach aches, probably from what I'm eating/not eating.
Bump: I know it's still considered a small bump, but I'm feeling like a whale! It's still very lopsided, he loves the left side.
Discomforts: Hip pain, restless feet, aching back, aching stomach, and super uncomfortable at night still. This week I've started to have to pee SO often. And baby is really liking to find new areas to push on that do not feel good. 
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? Creeping out just a little more. But still half in and half out.
Happy or moody most of the time? Definitely moody this week. I'm not sure why, this week has just been a hard week and I've felt so much more emotional. I had to take a "pregnant day" (which consisted of tv watching and sleeping) because I was feeling so stressed and didn't want to have a huge break down. I'm guessing it's just lovely hormones.
Looking forward to: This is my answer a lot, I know, but I'm looking forward to baby's birth day! Which is coming up incredibly quick for how slow this is all seeming to go by. And that gives me anxiety because I'm terrified for labor!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

25 Weeks

25 Weeks!

How far along? 25 Weeks
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: Rutabaga
Total weight gain/loss: 20 pounds gained.
Maternity clothes: Still hanging on to all of the regular shirts I have. It's definitely becoming a stretch for most of them though. Even all my pajamas are too tight now :(  Living in the Gap Maternity Leggings, they're so comfortable! 
Stretch marks? A few more little ones on my butt. Joy.
Sleep: I feel like I'm just tossing and turning all night long -- why is is so hard to get and stay comfortable? I'm surprisingly feeling like I'm getting enough sleep though.
Best moment this week: Doctors appointment! Hearing baby's heartbeat (about 150) is always so nice. I'm measuring right at 25 weeks.
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach! I loved sleeping on my stomach before, I can't wait to be able to do that again.
Movement: More and more everyday! I'm still surprised every time I feel him move, he is so strong.
Food cravings: Strawberries and ICE (the yummy kind from Cafe Rio and Dairy Queen). I could eat ice all day. I've had a really hard time eating this week, I just don't feel like much at all. Sean is really good about making me eat though. Things I am eating: lots of Cream of Wheat, honey dew, string cheese, eggs, and grapefruit. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? I think my prenatals are making me feel sick in the morning. If it's not that, I'm just  getting a case of "Morning Sickness" again, minus the throwing up.
Bump: Stretching so much! Gosh, I feel like it's going to burst. It's very lopsided too, baby boy likes hanging out on the left side.
Discomforts: Just the usual, hip pain, restless feet at night, aching back, cramping legs, and just being uncomfortable at night. Acid reflex is acting up again too. I actually woke up to acid reflex throw up the other night, that was fun.
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out? Still half and half.
Happy or moody most of the time?  I feel like it's an even mixture of both. Just depends on the time and how uncomfortable I feel.
Looking forward to: 15 weeks from now!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

24 Weeks

24 Weeks!

How far along? 24 Weeks.
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: Ear of corn.
Total weight gain/loss: Still hanging out at 19 pounds gained.
Maternity clothes: Nothing new. My body is ready for more maternity shirts, me...not so much. Love this maternity shirt in the picture though, it's so much more comfortable wearing clothes that aren't tight.
Stretch marks? It happened, THEY happened. I have 3 or 4 on my butt. They're real this time and they're terrible! I guess I couldn't live in my dream world of no stretch marks forever. They'll make a home out of my stomach soon enough. I'm not giving up on my basq products though! 
Sleep: Sleeping better this week. My body pillow is a life saver. 
Best moment this week: Having coffee! I caved. I got my very favorite, a tall Iced Caramel Macchiato (the first time I've had it since I've known about baby), and LOVED every second of the 3 minutes it lasted. I'm not going to make it a habit, but it was completely worth it!
Miss anything: Being able to bend over, get up, move, etc. without it being a hassle! I swear it is too soon for me to already be struggling! Gosh, I feel like I'm 80. 
Movement: He is so strong now. I feel like I need to hold my stomach when he moves to keep him from busting out. I love feeling him move though. That is the one good thing about pregnancy. Well, besides the fact that you get a precious baby out of it :)
Food cravings: Grapefruit, honeydew, strawberries, fruit in general, slurpees, coconut water, and potato chips. Come on cravings, where are you?! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? I'm not having aversions to anything, but the fruit makes my acid reflux act up.
Bump: Everyone's reaction this week: "Oh my gosh! Look how big your belly is/looks!".
Discomforts: Awful hip pain at night, restless feet, cramping legs, back aches, and just overall discomfort at night. I feel like my belly is going to explode because there is so much pressure! It also feels like my skin can't stretch anymore, I feel like it's going to rip open! Also getting random, shocking uterus pains.
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? Half in, half out. More on the out side though.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy in the day, moody at night.
Looking forward to: Doctors appointment next week!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

23 Weeks

I really should be better about matching my shirt to the board.

23 Weeks!

How far along? 23 Weeks
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: Weight of a large grapefruit
Total weight gain/loss: 19 pounds gained
Maternity clothes: Got a few maternity shirts
Stretch marks? None. Applying great amounts of basq product morning and night.
Sleep: I need more! I've been very uncomfortable at night so sleeping is rough. A body pillow is a must.
Best moment this week: Taking showers--that's the only time my body doesn't ache. I think I'm going to have to start tolerating baths.
Miss anything: Being able to see! I used to have great vision, now I can't see anything far away.
Movement: He's starting to move ALL over my stomach at the same time. It's wild, I can feel him turning over.
Food cravings: Honeydew, grapefruit, strawberries, most any fruit....that's about it. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: All the fruit I'm eating-- acid reflux and fruit do not mix well.
Bump: It looks so wide from my angle and pointy from the side. People are finally noticing I'm pregnant now.
Discomforts: My WHOLE body at night! Back, HIPS, restless feet, and cramping legs. Even throughout the day my hips kill. How does anyone make it 9 months?? I don't know how I'm going to make it until the end of May. (Clearly I'm really negative about pregnancy this week.)
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? It's holding on for dear life!
Happy or moody most of the time? I feel like it's an even mixture of both this week.
Looking forward to: MAY!