Sunday, March 31, 2013

31 Weeks

31 Weeks!

How far along? 31 Weeks
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: 4 navel oranges 3 dozen eggs
Total weight gain/loss: Sticking at 25 pounds gained still.
Maternity clothes: Still wearing a mix of regular shirts and maternity shirts.
Stretch marks: No new ones!
Sleep: Sleeping a little better this week. I still wake up a lot though. Getting up in the night to pee is really getting annoying.
Best moment this week: Fetal Fotos! It's amazing to be able to see baby boy in such detail. We found out baby is breech right now, which makes me a little nervous. Let's hope he turns! Sean and I also got some cute things for baby's wardrobe, that was fun.
Miss anything? I miss having good, deep sleep.
Movement: Some of his punches and kicks are really starting to hurt! I can't get over how strong he is. I actually felt bruised in one area the other day. And my bladder is always under attack, so uncomfortable. He's still really wild at night.
Food cravings: Pebble ice and fruit. It's been so hard to eat this week, I don't want anything. I have no appetite and eating just makes me feel so sick. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Eating. Everything I do feel like is what makes my acid reflux act up. 
Bump: I'm pretty sure this picture makes it look slightly bigger than it really is. And I'm not just saying that out of disbelief.
Discomforts: Hip and lower back pain, restless feet, itchy stomach, pressure on tailbone and stomach, and shortness of breath. My legs are starting to burn when I walk a lot too.
Labor signs: I don't think so.
Belly button in or out? Most of the time it's non-existent, but sometimes the top half really sticks out.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy, moody, irritable, and anxious.
Looking forward to: 32 week doctors appointment.

Video of ultrasound:

Friday, March 22, 2013

30 Weeks

Holy HUGE!

30 Weeks!

How far along? 30 Weeks
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: Large head of cabbage
Total weight gain/loss: 25 pounds gained
Maternity clothes: Nothing new. Still living in Gap Maternity Leggings. Really, they're the best thing ever. And any time I can get away with wearing a sports bra, I take full advantage of it!
Stretch marks: Nothing new!
Sleep: I hate sleeping, I'm too uncomfortable. I feel like I can't stay asleep for more than 30 minutes. And I'm running out of opportunities to nap. Iced Caramel Macchiatos, Green Tea Lemonade, and Dr. Pepper are harder to resist than ever.  I knew I'd be saying goodbye to sleep with a baby coming, but I didn't think it would have to be so soon!
Best moment this week: Hearing baby's heart beat at the doctors appointment. I'm measuring right on 30 weeks. 
Miss anything? I just miss not being pregnant in general. I feel like I've been pregnant forever! I don't know how women can love this, they have to be lying. The only thing I will miss about being pregnant is feeling baby move, NOTHING else.
Movement: He's starting to hurt me a lot! Especially when he pushes on my bladder. He's sticking out a lot more too. Not sure which body parts, but I'm assuming bum, knees, and elbows. It's crazy to see and feel.
Food cravings: Pebble ice, apple juice, strawberries, watermelon, and just any fruit really. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing really this week.
Bump: Needs to stop growing! It's so big and round. And, most of the time, still very lopsided.
Discomforts: Lower back to hip to leg pain! Oh it hurts so bad at night! Restless feet are getting very annoying. I'm super itchy on my stomach and butt. And there is sooo much pressure on my tailbone. It isn't easy to get up after sitting down. 
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? Really it's just non-existent.
Happy or moody most of the time? Moody Irritable 
Looking forward to: Baby showers, getting baby stuff, finding a name for baby, and meeting baby! 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

29 Weeks

29 Weeks!

How far along? 29 Weeks
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: Butternut Squash
Total weight gain/loss: 25 pounds gained
Maternity clothes: I tried to go shopping this week for some new maternity tops, but it was not successful. Maternity clothes are so expensive! I'm going to have to give in and get some more, but I just don't find it worth it right now.
Stretch marks: No new ones!
Sleep: Sleep has been awful this week! My hips and back kill so I just toss and turn most of the night. And for some reason my body thinks it's acceptable to wake up around 4:00am...not okay! I'm wide awake too.When I finally do fall back asleep, I've got about an hour until I have to wake up again. And of course when I get up now I'm dead tired. At least I can still get naps in most days, I sleep so much better in the day.
Best moment this week: The best moment this week was buying size medium panties. Holy huge. But they feel so much better! 
Miss anything? Sleep. And the nicer times when I wasn't pregnant. At least this will all be worth it.
Movement: I can feel him more and more each day. I'm still so surprised that he is as strong as he is.
Food cravings: Strawberries, pebble ice (found out I have really low iron), apple juice, and Target string cheese.
Anything making you queasy or sick? My new iron supplements. They give me a headache and make me very nauseous. 
Bump: Feels HUGE!
Discomforts: Hip and lower back pain are getting AWFUL. I want to cry at night. And there is so much pressure in my stomach at night, I feel like it's going to burst open. My feet are getting swollen at night and are still so restless. Acid reflux is acting up again too, I threw up in my sleep again. I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore!
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? It's flat with my stomach now.
Happy or moody most of the time? Moody.
Looking forward to: Doctors appointment next week. Down to going every two weeks now!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

28 Weeks

28 Weeks!

How far along? 28 Weeks
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: Chinese Cabbage
Total weight gain/loss: 23 pounds gained
Maternity clothes: Nothing new. If I could, I would wear my Gap Maternity Leggings and sports bra alllllll the time. Everything else is just not as comfortable. 
Stretch marks: A few more small ones on my butt. Stomach is still clear! 
Sleep: It's a miracle, the last two nights I've pretty much slept through the whole night! I haven't been tossing and turning as much, or waking up with a starving stomach and wandering mind. It may be too good to be true, but I'm hoping this will last for a little while! I still wake up SO tired though. I'm back to that tired stage. Really, I could sleep 14 hours straight if I didn't have to wake up to pee, eat, and change positions. Even with that much sleep, I think I would still be tired. 
Best moment this week: The best moment this week was when Sean surprised me with the salmon salad I had been craving. This was one of my first cravings that was intense. I really couldn't think about anything else! He was sneaky and got me just what I wanted. I kind of wanted to cry, a good cry of course. Really, he's the best. I'm so lucky.
Miss anything? I miss drinking Coke! I used to drink like 32 ounces a day. I know, so bad. But I loved it! It was my comfort food. I haven't had a drop since I found out I was pregnant. I'm trying REALLY hard to keep it that way. 
Movement: He's starting to really push on my bladder when he moves, not fun. And I'm starting to be able to see a lot more of him pushing out.
Food cravings: Pebble ice (got a giant bag from Dairy Queen!), strawberries, apple juice, milk, grapefruit, oranges, Target string cheese, and salmon. Yes, SALMON. I'm not much of a fish eater, but a salmon salad from Trio got me hooked. I've been able to eat a lot better this week. Still eating a lot of oatmeal when there is nothing else I feel like. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing really particular, just feeling sick to my stomach at night.
Bump: It's really sticking out now! It's getting a lot more round at the bottom. And it's still very lopsided most of the time, the left side sticks out much more than the right. It gets really big and hard at night.
Discomforts: Where do I even begin? Really, I could go on about everything for days! Night time is awful! Every part of me is uncomfortable. There is SO much pressure in my lower back and stomach, my upper back and hips ache, my feet are getting more and more restless, and my stomach just hurts. A warm shower is the only thing that even helps ease the pain.
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: Still half in and half out, but more out at night.
Happy or moody most of the time? Moody. 
Looking forward to: How about something I'm not looking forward to? My doctors appointment tomorrow. It's the glucose test, ugh. I am looking forward to hearing baby's heart beat though, that's always very nice.

Friday, March 1, 2013

27 Weeks

27 Weeks!

How far along? 27 Weeks
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: Head of cauliflower
Total weight gain/loss: 22 pounds gained
Maternity clothes: Nothing new, needing more though. I feel like I have NOTHING to wear! I've boxed up more regular shirts this week, it's so sad! And I know I've always wanted an ass, but I'm done with it now. It was fun for a little bit, but I'm ready to wear my x-small panties and size 0 pants again!
Stretch marks: No new ones. I've added a new basq product to the mix, hoping that will help keep them off!
Sleep: This week has been terrible for sleep! I just toss and turn all night, I can't get comfortable. I sleep so much better in the day. I'm trying to get a lot of naps in, but I still feel so tired.
Best moment this week: Getting baby's crib! It was so fun to get something big like that for baby. It also brought with it some panic and anxiety.
Miss anything? I've said it before, but I really miss sleeping on my stomach. But it is nice to have my belly as a table now.
Movement: It's crazy to be able to see his movements now. He gets wild at night.
Food cravings: Pebble ice, strawberries, and apple juice. It's been so hard to eat. What I am eating: a lot of oatmeal, strawberries, apple juice, ice, milk, grapefruit, and string cheese.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Acid reflex is acting up this week, making me feel like I'm going to throw up all the time.
Bump: Feeling HUGE! People tell me how cute my little bump is all the time, but this is big for me!
Discomforts: Hip pain, back pain, restless feet at night, aching stomach when I eat, and just sooooo uncomfortable! I could complain all day. 
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? Still half in and half out.
Happy or moody most of the time? Moody. I've been extra emotional this week. Not to mention extremely anxious and stressed.
Looking forward to: Getting more baby things and having a nursery for baby!