How far along? 15 weeks.
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: Apple.
Total weight gain/loss: One pound gained this week.
Maternity clothes? Nothing new.
Stretch Marks? No.
Sleep: Sleeping a little better this week but still feeling like I toss and turn all night.
Best moment this week: We found out we are having a GIRL! Yay! So crazy because we were convinced we were having another baby boy. Baby girl is measuring ahead and is perfectly healthy! Such great news. The doctor said the pregnancy could still go either way at this point (the bleeding could affect the placenta, keeping it from getting nutrients to the baby) and that there is nothing more that they can do or I can do right now. So, we just hope for the bleeding to stop and for a healthy, full term baby! I'll be going in once a week so the doctors can keep an eye on things. And for now, I'm still on modified bed rest and just hoping to make it to the next week mark.
Miss Anything? I miss soda, really REALLY bad. I just want a big 32oz Dirty DP every morning. (Soda is one of the things that makes me the most sick to have.)
Movement: There has been a lot more movement this week! Sean even got to feel the baby! After one of the ultrasounds, she was going crazy. Most of the movement still happens at night.
Food Cravings: Candy was my big craving this week, Tootsie Rolls especially. And Dr. Pepper of course. I've also been really into milk lately, a straight glass of it. Which is weird because I can't stand drinking straight milk when I'm not pregnant! I liked milk when I was pregnant with Hyde too.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Hyde's poopy diapers are still the things that get me the most. And if I have too much citric acid I get so sick. I've been taking Unisom and B6 every night, and I skipped it one night to test if I still needed it. Definitely still need it! I got so sick in the night and actually threw up food again. If I keep up on the pills every night and don't let myself get an empty stomach, I feel pretty good!
Bump: Tiny.
Discomforts: Hips, acid reflux, and restless feet! I HATE restless feet.
Gender: It's a girl! Doctor said 100% girl, let's hope he is right.
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out? Mostly in, starts to half stick out a tiny bit at night.
Happy or Moody most of the time: This week was pretty equal with happy and moody moments.
Looking forward to: Ultrasound tomorrow! It feels like so long between ultrasounds and I'm getting one or two a week. But the ultrasounds let me breathe easy for a day.
We sent out this picture of Hyde with the pink balloons to reveal the gender. |
The word GIRL is written on her leg. |
Hyde with his little pink lady apple.