How far along? 26 weeks (as of Saturday).
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: English cucumber.
Total weight gain/loss: Down 2 pounds.
Maternity clothes? My new wardrobe consists of bulky hospital gowns, sexy granny panties, and fuzzy socks!
Stretch Marks? No.
Sleep: I basically lost the entire night of sleep when my water broke, and I already wasn't sleeping well before then. So tiredness is definitely catching up! And hospital beds....well, it's just not the same as my bed. The nurses only have to come in every 4 hours to check on vitals and baby girl, so it's not too bad. But 5:00am is basically when the day starts for me. And napping is just hard, so many people coming in and out! I'm ready for a do not disturb sign.
Best moment this week: Well, the best thing this week is just knowing that baby girl is doing so well still and has a chance to stay in for a little while longer! This has been the most crazy week of my life. So emotional and scary. There are a lot of crappy things that have happened, but there could be a lot more.
Miss Anything? I miss Hyde, my house, and just normal activity.
Movement: I started feeling her less when my water broke (which is normal, there wasn't as much fluid for her to move around in) but, now that she's built that fluid up again, she is back to being her active, strong self! Which every movement is a huge relief, so I love that I can feel her so well.
Food Cravings: Really just pebble ice still (and they've got plenty of it!). I haven't really been into eating the last few days.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the antibiotics they have me on. They often make me feel a little nauseous. Overall I'm feeling really great though.
Bump: It's a tiny bit smaller and more lopsided.
Discomforts: My hip pain has really gone down since I'm just in bed all day. But gosh, I get the worst restless feet at night! (Love having those leg compression things) and my tailbone get's so sore from sitting so much.
Labor signs: Broken water is really the only one! I still leak a little fluid and blood (nothing concerning). I've only had one mild spell of Braxton Hicks since Wednesday. They haven't had to check my cervix again, so I'm assuming it's still closed.
Belly button in or out? Out.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both. I've been a wreck emotionally this week! I'm just trying really hard to stay positive and take things one day at a time to keep the stress and anxiety level down. If I don't let my mind wildly wonder, I'm pretty calm.
Looking forward to: Meeting baby girl and getting home to Hyde! It's hard because I would love for her to come now and be able to get out of here, but I know she needs to stay in to mature to be as healthy as can be.
Looking forward to: Meeting baby girl and getting home to Hyde! It's hard because I would love for her to come now and be able to get out of here, but I know she needs to stay in to mature to be as healthy as can be.
Hospital Update: There isn't much of an update, but no update is good! Things have been pretty uneventful the last few days. Both baby girl and I are doing really well and staying stable. And that's what we want for the next few weeks, no changes!
My days consist of:
5:00am heartbeat and vitals check.
6:00am antibiotics dose.
A visit from the daily resident.
7:00am breakfast and nurse switch. (I've had the same nurse almost every day and I love her! All of the nurses have been great, but it's so nice having a familiar face. I wish she could be here everyday 24/7).
A morning NST (non stress test--they just test her heart rate for at least 20 minutes, but I'm usually on for 45 minutes. They look for a steady base line with a few variables) Which is usually followed by an afternoon test as well because baby girl isn't passing the tests. Not because anything is wrong, she's just so little and has so much room to be her active self that they can't keep her on the monitors long enough! A visit from the doctor in charge (I still don't get how that all works).
A morning NST (non stress test--they just test her heart rate for at least 20 minutes, but I'm usually on for 45 minutes. They look for a steady base line with a few variables) Which is usually followed by an afternoon test as well because baby girl isn't passing the tests. Not because anything is wrong, she's just so little and has so much room to be her active self that they can't keep her on the monitors long enough! A visit from the doctor in charge (I still don't get how that all works).
A quick shower (so glad they let me do that alone).
Vitals and heartbeat checks every 4 hours.
12:00pm lunch (the food here is getting so old! I'm glad I can have whatever outside food I want).
Lots of TV/Netflix, Trivia Crack, Social media, Pinterest, and blog reading.
A few visitors throughout the day.
5:00pm dinner.
7:00pm nurse switch.
FaceTime goodnights with my boys. Sean has been sleeping at home. It's a little lonely without him here, but I'd rather him get to be home with Hyde.
A visit from the night resident.
My last antibiotic dose at 10:00pm.
Sleep interrupted every 4 hours for more vitals and heartbeat checks.
I haven't been out of my hospital room since Thursday, I'm starting to feel the boredom and stir crazy feelings set it. This is all still so scary and hard. I really could spend all day crying if I let myself, but I'm trying really hard to just take it like it is. I miss Hyde so much. I already feel like our relationship is weakening, and I really miss getting to be with him all day doing mommy/son things. I miss holding and cuddling him and all of his kisses. I feel a huge amount of mom guilt and really can't kick that. I know he's loving life with all the spoiling from his grandmas right now though! He really is in great hands, I just want him to be in my hands. It's crazy how much worry I've been able to let go of since being away from him. Worrying is always something I haven't really been able to control, but with the right mindset (and the fact I don't have a choice), I feel like I've been doing really well. I can't thank everyone who has helped/offered to help enough!