Yep...I'm prego. Still feels like I'm telling a lie. I found out the night of September 23rd. It was the most surreal experience I've ever had. My breasts were EXTREMELY tender and I hadn't had any signs of my period I was supposed to be getting on Wednesday. I took a Dollar Store test just to prove to myself that I was in the clear...what a shock it was to see those two pink lines.

Of course that was not enough to make me believe it was true. Even the four tests I took later that night weren't enough to make it fully sink in. However, they were enough to bring on the tears and that awful pit in the stomach feeling. I took one more test the next day, just to be sure. After 6 positives, I figured it was probably true. I was sick over the thought of telling Sean. What a relief it was to have him be so positive about it. He was all in from the beginning and I knew everything would be okay. Telling everyone else went decent enough. It's to the point now where everyone is excited! And I finally am too! It only took 8 weeks for me to get there. (I'm 14 weeks along now. Just didn't jump on the blogging bandwagon until now!) We've gone to the doctor twice, baby is doing great! My due date is May 29th.
Little baby at 10 weeks!
I got this cute idea on Pinterest to make a chalkboard to write cute sayings on and take a picture next to every week. I figured it would be a fun way to keep track of progress.
10 Weeks!
How far along? 10 weeks
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: Kumquat
Total weight gain/loss: 9 pounds gained
Maternity clothes? No way! Jeggings and lots of leggings! None of my regular pants fit (even the 3 pairs I JUST bought that still have tags on them). Bras and panties are getting very snug!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping decent through the night (if you can call decent getting up 3 times a night to pee!) but sleeping GREAT in my morning naps. Sooo tired ALL day!
Best moment this week: First doctors appointment today! Found out due date is May 29th and got to see the little baby kick it's legs. Baby's heart rate is 162--girl??
Miss anything? Subway sandwiches!!! And drinking mojitos/mimosas with Jaz.
Movement: None
Food cravings: Plumbs! (I could eat them all day) Turkey sandwich or Italian BMT (can't have them), Potato anything, MILK, MILK, MILK!!! (especially after throwing up), Cafe Rio pork burritos/tostadas, cereal, and McDonald's egg mcmuffins!
Anythin making you queasy or sick: I feel queasy and sick ALL day!! Anything that I'm not craving is NOT going tin my mouth!
Have you started to show yet: Just REALLY bloated, especially in the evening.
Discomforts: Uterus feels like it's going to tear! Restless feet at night.
Gender Prediction: Chinese calendar and everyone else (besides Grandma and Randi) say girl.
Labor signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody
Looking forward to: Feeling better and having more energy!
Thanks to Jaz and Ash for designing this week's board!