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My bump looks very round in this picture....It's actually reallllly pointy looking and not as large in real life. |
16 Weeks!
How far along? 16 Weeks
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: Avocado
Total weight gain/loss:13 pounds gained
Maternity clothes? Leggings and jeans still
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Sleeping a little better. I'm just SO uncomfortable all night!
Best moment thus week: Doctors appointment! Seeing baby move and finding out baby is a boy!
Miss Anything? I REALLY miss being able to make it through the day with only peeing once or twice. Once an hour is much less convenient.
Movement: No :/ I'm so ready to feel some!
Food Cravings: DR. PEPPER!!!! (I gave in...but only to caffeine free! It's what my mind imagines liquid gold to taste like right now, I just can't get enough! Don't worry, I have self control and can limit myself to only a little bit a day.), bacon, watermelon, fruit, cauliflower, Subway, any sandwich really, fajitas, and melted cheese anything.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still just that acid reflux at night, making it impossible to eat anything without feeling like I have to throw up. I'm also getting more sensitive to smells, especially perfumes.
Bump: Just a little one that looks much bigger at night. I'm ready for it to start growing to the point you can definitely tell I'm prego (I'm sure I'll be eating my words in no time!)
Discomforts: Just the usuals... Hip/lower back pain, headaches, acid reflux, and restless feet at night.
Gender: BOY!!! SO shocking! But still very exciting!
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody :/
Looking forward to: Feeling baby move!!
We added cute, blue socks before sending the picture out to family and friends. |
We went in for the ultrasound yesterday, I was so nervous! I just wanted to find out the gender, and I knew there was a possibility that we wouldn't be able to. Sean and I had it set in our heads that it was a girl, along with most everyone else. I was expecting to see a girl! When we heard the heart beat and she said it was 140 I thought, "Oh, maybe it ISN'T a girl!". Yet, I was still shocked to see little boy parts. I still feel like it's wrong! I had to ask the doctor a few times if she was sure, even after seeing the little penis. I think I was a tiny bit disappointed because I was so set on it being a girl, and I've always thought I would have a girl first. But I'm thrilled about baby boy, we both are! It was so fun to see how much he (it's still so weird being able to say he!) has grown since week 10! I want to have an ultrasound every. single. day. Now I'm even more ready to feel him move! I'm not looking forward to picking a name for baby boy, I feel like boy names are so much harder than girl names. Thankfully, we've still got about 5 months to decide. I'm ready to go through EVERY boy name out there so we can pick the most perfect name for our SON!
I'm so happy! You'll be able to feel him kick very soon!
ReplyDeleteJaden...this is so cute! Andy had to tell me that you started a blog. I love how you are recording everything. Your little man will love this someday. Congrats again! I am excited to go baby shopping.