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I swear these pictures make my bump look way bigger than it really is. |
How far along? 19 weeks
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: Mango
Total weight gain/loss: 15 pounds
Maternity clothes: The shirt in the picture is actually my first maternity shirt. Other than that, just the leggings and jeans.
Stretch Marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping better and longer! Finally! I feel so much better. But I'd still sleep all day if I could.
Best moment this week: Probably being able to sleep again. Let's hope it lasts!
Miss Anything? This sounds insane, but I miss not having to eat. If you know my mother or me, you'll understand what I mean.
Movement: Baby's getting a little stronger and moving a lot more.
Food cravings: Really just nothing. Still craving fruit, especially watermelon. And I've been craving Pace's peach rainbows, but other than that I rarely feel like anything. I'm ready to get some serious cravings!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much! Still dealing with acid reflux a few nights a week.
Bump: It's actually felt a lot smaller this week. I was surprised how large it looks in the picture.
Discomforts: HIP PAIN! Oh, the hip pain! And it's really only just beginning. How I'll get through the next 20 weeks, I don't know! It's been accompanied by restless feet at night, sore tail bone, headaches, and acid reflux.
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still moody.
Looking forward to: The next ultrasound! Only 2 more weeks, I can't wait.
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