35 Weeks!
How far along? 35 Weeks -- 35 days until baby's due date!
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: Honeydew
Total weight gain/loss: 30 pounds gained
Maternity clothes: Loving my Gap leggings still. I hate having clothing on my stomach, I wish it was acceptable to walk around with my bare bump sticking out.
Stretch marks: Stomach is still clear!
Sleep: Sleeping fairly decent. I don't love that my sleep is interrupted by having to pee 2 times a night, but I don't feel like I'm tossing and turning so much. I am still very tired throughout the day! It's almost worse than it was in the beginning. If I could, I would never get out of bed.
Best moment this week: Nailed baby shower! It was so fun and so cute. We got lots of great stuff, baby boy is getting so spoiled already.
Miss anything? I miss knowing what it feels like to not be pregnant. I can't even remember how it feels to be comfortable. I've been pretty miserable throughout the whole pregnancy, and it's no secret that I've kind of hated it. I don't know how women can love it! I know everyone has a different pregnancy, but I just can't see myself every wanting to do this again! I've heard you forget the misery once your baby is here, but please, don't anyone let me forget!
Movement: His movement isn't all over any more, but it's still strong as ever. He loves stabbing my cervix, I swear he has to have a knife in there. I've gotten so used to his movement, every once in a while I get worried because I can't remember feeling him. He's moving regularly though.
Food cravings: Ice, ice, ice! It's like a comfort food to me. I could and would chew it alllll day! My gums bleed when I eat it, but I don't even care. I still want fruit all the time too. And Green Tea Lemonade from Starbucks.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Eating is really the only thing that makes me feel sick.
Bump: Still very wide and lopsided. It's looking more round at the bottom though.
Discomforts: This week has been awful. My hips and tailbone feel like they are broken, they're so sore all the time. It's so painful. Night time is still the worst. It's like after 5:00 everything has to start hurting. My lower back feels very crampy all night and my feet/legs are more restless and heavy feeling than ever. And I'm so ITCHY!!!! Everywhere. I feel like I'm just scratching all day, I don't know how I'm not covered in scabs. My stomach, lower back, thighs, and arms are the worst. If I could, I would just stay in the shower all day and night. I feel the most comfortable under the hot water, and the itching isn't so bad in there. My new favorite thing is eating ice in the shower. It's the most comforting/relaxing thing for me. (Yeah, I know, I should just turn this into a blog about all the awful things I hate about pregnancy. I just really love complaining. I at least have a good excuse to do so.)
Labor signs: I've noticed that I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks, especially at night. I've been having them for a long time, I just didn't realize that's what they were. They certainly don't hurt, but they are very uncomfortable! There is so much pressure and it gets so tight, they usually make me stop while walking or I have to move while sitting/laying.
Belly button in or out? Still mostly just flat with my stomach.
Happy or moody most of the time? Mostly moody. It's not that I'm not happy, I just experience so many emotions throughout the day.
Looking forward to? My last shower this weekend!
Thank you Danielle for the cute shower!
And thank you to all the lovely Nailed girls for coming and spoiling baby boy!