32 Weeks!
How far along? 32 Weeks
Baby size in fruit/vegetable: Jicama
Total weight gain/loss: 26 pounds gained
Maternity clothes: Having to put away more and more normal shirts and living in my Gap leggings.
Stretch marks: Nothing new! Praying my stomach will make it 8 more weeks with nothing.
Sleep: Not sleeping! Seriously, it's impossible to get and stay comfortable for more than an hour.
Best moment this week: Doctors appointment. Baby's heart rate sounds good! He's transverse :/ hoping he starts moving down soon!
Miss anything? I miss wanting food. It's so hard to find something to eat when you really feel like nothing at all.
Movement: Just getting stronger! And more painful. I'm having to move positions a lot more to get him to stop pushing on the painful areas.
Food cravings: Ice and water. Occasionally strawberries and watermelon. I'm having the hardest time eating, I still just don't have much of an appetite at all.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just eating anything heavy or with citric acid.
Bump: Sooo lopsided! His butt is always sticking out, so the left side looks a lot bigger than the right. It's also very wide since he's just hanging out sideways.
Discomforts: Hip and lower back pain, pressure on tailbone, restless feet, itchy stomach, legs burning when walking (I have to stop so often now for a little break), and shortness of breath.
Labor signs: None.
Belly button in or out? Still pretty flat with my stomach. Unless he is pushing out there, then half of it sticks out.
Happy or moody most of the time? Pretty happy most of the time. But I'm just getting more irritable and anxious.
Looking forward to: My first baby shower this weekend!
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