Saturday, May 17, 2014

Hyde's 1st Birthday!

Hyde is obsessed with balls, OBSESSED! So what better theme to use for his first birthday party? We went with bright colors and all things ball shaped! It was a fun day spent with all the people who love Hyde the most! (All 60ish of them) He's a lucky boy to have so many great people in his life! We had a lot of help from family and friends, and I'm grateful for them all! I still can't believe my baby is ONE!!

On Hyde's actual birthday, we started off with sprinkle pancakes! We then spent some time at the zoo before he had to go get his 12 month shots. And the day was finished off with pizza, presents, and cake!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

12 Months

Top teeth are still working on coming through.
He still isn't walking. (he can, just won't) Which is okay, his crawl is the best.
He's hilarious and knows it.
He's still an outside boy. He loves walks, watching cars, and playing in his ball pit/tramp.
He's turning into a little fish, he loves his swimming lessons!
He is still such a screamer, it's so funny.
He loves bath time, that's usually when he is most talkative.
Still lots of cute gibberish.
He loves avocados, watermelon, and eggs. (and anything we are eating)
He's started loving to play with cars, he'll push them all around the house.
Balls are still one of his favorites.
He loves books right now, especially ones with flaps.
He's really good at saying "more".
He's obsessed with bottled water, lots of "more" and "mmm" when he's drinking out of them. He also loves playing with empty ones.
He's really into putting lids on things or putting smaller items in larger items.
He's gotten super sensitive to any disiplinary tone. 
And he's becoming more and more of a mama's boy!