Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Delle's NICU Journey -- Week 2

Day 8:
Delle had her last tummy tube taken out today! They put an IV in her head (I hate it) so she can still get her fluids. 
She was moved into the Low Birth Weight room.
She's up to 17ml of breast milk every 3 hours, and it's now being distributed on a pump over 30 minutes. 
She's back up to 1.5 liters of air at 35%.
And she weighs 2lbs 5oz.

Day 9:
Her IV is out! She's completely off fluids.
She's up to 20ml of milk every 3 hours (the max for her weight). 
They put her back up to 2 liters at 23%.
And she is down to 2lbs 4oz, which isn't a concern since she was taken off fluids. 
We did skin to skin for 3 hours today! 
Grams was able to come see her too. The little baby next to her was having a procedure done, so we had to wear hats and masks. 

Day 10:
Delle is up to 2lbs 6oz! 
She's also up to 2.5 liters at 30%.
She's started to spit up a little bit, nothing concerning though. 
We did skin to skin and she was so content the whole time. 

Day 11:
She's down to 2lbs 5oz.
Still happy hanging out at 2.5 liters at 30%. 
She had her head ultrasound today to check for brain bleeding.
She's still at 20ml of milk every 3 hours, but now they are adding a fortifier and she's getting 24 calories.  

Day 12:
Delle is up to 2lbs 7oz.
She is still happy at 2.5 liters at 30%.
She got moved out of the Low Birth Weight room and now is in a room with big (4 pound) babies! 
Still spitting up a little. 
And her head ultrasound results came back normal! 

Day 13:
29 Weeks!
She didn't gain any weight, still at 2lbs 7oz. 
And she's still at 2.5 liters but down to 28%.
She's staring to spit up a little more, so they've increased her feed time to 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes. 

Day 14:
Delle is up to 2lbs 8oz!
Other than that, there's really no change, which is great!
Dad did her cares today and then we did skin to skin. 

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