Monday, February 23, 2015

Delle's NICU Journey -- Week 4

Day 22:
Delle is up to 2lbs 13oz and is 15" long.
She is getting 24ml of milk every 3 hours.
Her high flow is still at 2.5LPM.
And her diaper rash is looking so much better!


Day 23:
Delle gained 50grams and is at 2lbs 15oz!
She is being weaned down to 2.0LPM of oxygen.

Day 24:
Delle hit 3lbs today! She is still SO tiny, but 3lbs seems huge!
She is up to 25ml of milk every 3 hours.
And she is doing really well at 2.0LPM on the high flow.

Day 25:
The nurse didn't chart Delle's weight last night, so we don't have a weight for today.
There aren't any other changes for her either, which is great!
Hyde and I both had little fevers today, so I wasn't able to hold her. But Sean was able to go up and see her for a bit.

Day 26:
Delle is 3lbs 2oz.
Her latest newborn screening came back normal, so she is now off of her Vitamin C dose. (I'm not sure what it was even for, something that was abnormal in her previous newborn screening.) She'll have another screening at 36 weeks.
Everything is looking great with her and she just needs to keep growing!

Day 27:
No weight gain, but no loss either.
Her corrected gestational age is 31 weeks today! (Crazy I should still be pregnant now and would have many 
more weeks to go.)
She is being weaned off of the humidity in her incubator. They start moving babies to open cribs around 32 weeks/1500 grams (Delle is 1420 grams right now).

Day 28:
Delle is up in weight, just under 3lbs 3oz.
She's up to 27ml of fortified breast milk every 3 hours.
Sean held her for the first time today. Delle loved it! She was so content and had her eyes wide open for so long, it was the sweetest thing! She didn't have any dips in her oxygen or heart rate while she was laying on him.
And they are starting to wean down the air temperature control in her incubator! (As soon as she can regulate her own temperature, she'll be in the open crib.)

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