Day 43:
6 Weeks!
Delle is 4lbs 6.9oz and 17" long.
We tried using a nipple shield today and she latched great!

Day 44:
4lbs 8oz!
She's getting 38ml of milk every 3 hours.
And she nursed for 13 minutes today! She got credit for 17ml.
Day 45:
4lbs 9oz!
She had an eye exam today and the doctor said her eyes are in the clear!
She'll have a repeat exam in 2 weeks.
Sean gave Delle her first bath tonight and she enjoyed most of it!
And despite the stress of the eye exam, she was able to nurse for a little bit.
Day 46:
Delle is 4lbs 11oz and up to 39ml every feeding.
And she nursed for 10 minutes today!
Day 47:
She's up 25 grams, still 4lbs 11oz.
The doctor took her off of her caffeine dose because she is doing so well breathing on her own! She
is still on .5 liters of oxygen, but she's mostly at 21% (room air). She just has mild episodes during her feeds.
Day 48:
34 Weeks!
She's up to 4lbs 14oz.
She's getting 40ml of milk every 3 hours.
She's been pretty sleepy the past two days, so we haven't made any further progress with breast feeding.
And she got to cuddle with grandma today!
Day 49:
5 LBS!!
She is HUGE! I keep saying she looks like a "real" baby
now. She just isn't so tiny and fragile looking anymore.
She took her first bottle today. Only 8ml, but it's a start!
And she got to cuddle with another grandma.
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