Day 29:
Delle is up to 3lbs 3.9oz!
And she is down to 1.5 liters of oxygen.

Day 30:
Delle is 3lbs 5oz and up to 28ml of milk every 3 hours.
She is now off of the high flow and on a regular nose cannula at 1 liter.
And her bed temperature is down to 30 degrees Celsius. She has to maintain a body temperature of
37 degrees Celsius for them to be able to turn the bed temperature down half a degree.
Once she gets down to a bed temp of 29, they will start dressing her. And when she can maintain
her body temperature while the bed temp is at 28 (room temperature), she gets to be moved into an open crib!
Day 31:
Today Delle had her first eye exam. With the amount of oxygen that preemies get, it can
cause damage to the retina as it's developing and could cause blindness. They have to dilate her eyes
and then clamp them open and shine a light in for the test. They give her Sweeties (sugar syrup) to help with the pain,
but it is still very stressful for her and sad for me! We did skin to skin right after and she calmed down really
quick. Her test results were great this time. Her retina is at a level 2 and needs to get to a level 3, and the
vessels looked good. She will continue to have eye exams every Wednesday until her eyes are fully developed.
Delle is up to 3lbs 6oz and 29ml a feeding.
They had to raise her bed temp back up to 31.5 because she was getting cold.
And she is at 1 liter of oxygen at 21%! (21% is basically room air.)
Day 32:
Delle is 3lbs 8oz today.
Her bed temp is down to 29 degrees Celsius and she was put in clothes for her first time!
She has also graduated to a bigger pacifier (the regular green Avent Soothie).
And she latched! She was so wide awake and rooting around so we jumped on the chance of trying non-nutritional
nursing (I pump before so she doesn't get a heavy flow of milk. Since she's so small still, she isn't ready for that.
And they also want to make sure it's a positive experience for her so she won't hate it before she's got it down).
She didn't latch long, but a few seconds a few times is great progress for her! 32 weeks is when they usually
start introducing nursing, so she's a little bit a head of the game.
Day 33:
She is 3lbs 8.8oz today.
They moved her into a new room, and she's been able to maintain her body temperature so they have the top off of her isolette! She'll move into an open crib after a few days of being able to regulate her temperature.
She was too sleepy today to try latching, which is very normal for her age.
Day 34:
32 Weeks!
Delle is up to 3lbs 10oz and 31ml of milk every 3 hours.
We're still working on latching, she did really well today though. She latched a few times for a few
seconds and was able to suck a little bit too. She's making great progress! The doctor ordered one nutritional
nursing session a day, so we'll keep trying.
Day 35:
Delle gained 2oz yesterday and is up to 3lbs 12oz. It's great that she is still gaining so much now that
she is out of her little incubator and burning more calories to keep her warm.
They are planning to move her into a crib this afternoon.
And she was a little sleepy today when we tried nursing, but she was awake for about
15 minutes and did the best that she has done so far.
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