Friday, April 17, 2015

Delle's NICU Journey -- Week 10

Day 64:
9 Weeks!
Delle is 6lbs 4oz and is off oxygen! She is doing great on room air, even with feedings.

Day 65:
6lbs 5oz!
Delle had her hearing screen today and passed it.
She is also po ad lib now! (She gets to eat when she wants, and how much she wants. 
They just don't let her go longer than 4 hours without eating. And 
she has a minimum volume of 170ml that she is supposed to take in every 12 hours.)

Day 66:
Delle lost weight last night, she is down to 6lbs 4oz. (Which is normal for just barely going po ad lib)
She's still doing great on room air! But they are giving her oxygen with her feeds.
And she had her heart test toady and passed!
She's on a count down from her last apnea (Saturday). She has to go 7 days without having an 
apnea before she can go home. So, if all goes well, she will get to come home on Saturday! 

Day 66:
Delle is down 5 grams today, still 6lbs 4oz.
She is using a Dr. Brown bottle now and is doing so much better with that! But she is still getting oxygen with feeds.
And she had another head ultrasound today that came back completely normal.

Day 67:
Up 15 grams, 6lbs 5oz.
Delle had a moderate apnea this morning, so she is back on oxygen for now.
 And her countdown restarts, so she won't be able to come home tomorrow. Hopefully next friday!

Day 68:
37 Weeks!
Down 5 grams.
They have raised her bed again because she has pretty bad reflux and they believe the apnea 
episode yesterday was a result of her reflux.
And because she isn't having great weight gain, they have increased the fortified breast milk to 27 calories.

Day 69:
Happy Easter!
Off oxygen again!
And she's up 60 grams! So she is 6lbs 7oz now.
She's taking bottles really well, about 60ml every 4 hours.

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